Victims had global character assassination and propaganda-media defamation reprisal attacks operated against them by White House staff and their political financiers: Elon Musk, Larry Page, Steve Jurvetson, Reid Hoffman, Eric Schmidt, Marc Andreessen, Steve Westly, John Doerr, et al. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

Victims were attacked because 1.) they helped law enforcement investigate the attackers, 2.) They competed with the attackers that attacker's products and the Silicon Valley Cartel attackers chose to "cheat rather than compete". Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The attackers spent over $30M, part of that using taxpayer resources, attacking the victims as proven in the financial transaction records from Google, Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Media Matters, Fusion GPS, et al. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

Victims had been previously funded by the U.S. Government and had a multi-decade relationship with the highest offices of the Government, which provided them with deep knowledge of the crimes that were committed. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The U.S. Department of Energy is used as a political slush fund to pay back campaign finance millionaires while blockading the competitors of those millionaires from reaching the market or receiving funding. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The only entities who participated in the global character assassination and propaganda-media defamation reprisal attacks were those entities owned and controlled by the attackers. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

Through corrupt rare-earth mining scams and control of federal contracts and grants, attackers had planned to acquire at least one trillion dollars in unjust gains and illegal profiteering. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

This amount of money they sought, and the "Mafia-like" structure they adopted, caused the suspects to engage in the most extreme crimes, including murder and "Deep State" coup attempts. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

A significant number of person's who were in conflict with the attackers have died in suspicious manners. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The suspects have hired the largest numbers of lobbyists and corporate manipulation lawyers in U.S. history in order to manipulate political decisions. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The suspects have spent more money on political bribes than any group of men has spent in the last century. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The suspects placed top federal law enforcement and agency bosses (ie: Michelle Lee, Steven Chu, Kamala Harris, James Comey, et al) from their own Cartel, into top government positions, with orders to run cover and protection schemes for them. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

California State officials including the Governor, Controller, The Senators, Secretary of State and regional officials participated in these crimes and pocketed the initial profits from these crimes in covert investment banking. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

Tesla Motors, Google, Netflix, Facebook, Linkedin, Amazon and other tech Cartel members operate with a common goal of psychological mass ideology manipulation and monopolistic profiteering based on government sponsored anti-trust violations and server control exclusivity. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.

The attempted cover-ups of these crimes continues to this day. Jury and FBI-compliant evidence proves this as fact.